Com un peix a l'aigua.

Aquesta setmana no hem hagut de fer cap dibuix de llibreta doncs ens tocava acabar de pintar un peix! Durant les últimes classes vam estat dibuixant i pintant amb colors de fusta un peix que prèviament cadascú va comprar a la peixateria. Jo vaig decidir-me per un verat perquè té uns colors impressionants i era tot un repte! Estic molt orgullosa amb el resultat ja que sempre m'ha costat pintar amb aquest tipus de material.

This week we didn't need to draw anything in our sketchbook because we had to finish painting a fish! During these last lessons we had been drawing and painting with colored pencils a fish that we previously bought in a fish market. I chose an atlantic mackerel because it has incredible colors and it was such a challenge! I am very proud of the result because I've always had trouble painting with this kind of material.

Aquests van ser els principis del dibuix a classe.

These were the beginning stages of the drawing at class.

Vaig continuar a casa...

I continued at home...

I aquest és el resultat final!

And this is the final result!


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