Hiperrealisme a pastel // Hyperrealism with pastels

Aquest ha estat el gran projecte del curs: un dibuix hiperrealista a pastel. Jo em vaig decidir per reproduir la fotografia d'una nena bufant bombolles de sabó. Em va costar una mica entendre la tècnica del pastel ja que era la primera vegada que la tocava però he quedat molt satisfeta. Vam tenir 15 dies a classe però, obviament, vaig haver d'emportar'm-ho a casa per poder acabar-lo a temps. Aquest va ser el procés.

This has been the main project of the year: an hyperralist drawing made with pastel colors. I chose the photography of a little girl blowing soap bubblrs. I found it a little hard to learn how to use pastels since it was my first time using this tecnique but I have to say I'm really proud of the result. We had 15 to do it at class but, obviously, I had to bring it home so I could finish the drawing before the deadline. This was the process.


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